Friday, February 6, 2009

ha ha, acey

Dear Pony,

Trying to rip your eyelid off is not very funny. See, it not only makes mommy worry, but she then has to call the vet out, have you stitched up, and purchase really expensive antibiotics to give you. Not to mention that mommy now also has to pay for all the local anesthesia Doc gave you--enough for three horses, he said.

You are also now stuck in Frank's box stall while he is hamming it up with YOUR cousin Captain in YOUR crib. Jealous much? Yeah, well, let's think about that next time before you gauge your face on something mere centimeters from your eye. Close call, Acey, let me tell you, but it's still not very funny.

Now, I know you probably enjoyed getting "drunk" today with the tranqs, and almost toppling over on Doc while he stitched you up, but honestly, it is NOT a good idea to piss someone off when they have a needle by your eye. Those are my words of wisdom, Ace, so take it or leave it--but, by all means, PLEASE take them.

Also, next time, before you try and poke your eye out, stop a think a minute. When all of mommy's money goes to the vet, she can't buy you pretty tail ribbons, lime green tack, and wonderful tie-dye halters. And it's really not any fun being a poorly accessorized horse, let me tell you.



1 comment:

Now Thats A Trot! said...

d'oh. bad Aceypony, bad. NO GOUGING EYES OUT KTHXBYE.