Monday, July 14, 2008

the whirlwind of money, tears, and time

It's been a while since I've posted last, but I've been fairly discouraged lately. It's sort of the same old, same old with Ace's recovery--he's had three sonograms since I've last written, and though the tear in his muscle was healing, he was still off. $600 later, and he's still off? I don't have the money for this, I was thinking. I'm saddled with a lame horse. A lame, sweet, pretty, entirely too talented horse to be stuck in a stall his whole life. I know the vet and my mom (who used to be a vet tech) thought that something had gone wrong in the sesamoid region, the one he fractured, and to be honest I did too.

But, then, the farrier came out and everything changed. Ace had an enormous stone bruise that hadn't abcessed out, from hoof wall to hoof wall, again due to the shoddy farrier work. Needless to say, that's why he was lame the first few minutes I rode him, not his sesamoid. It was a goddamn stone bruise that never abcessed. For crying out loud, if I'd known that it would've saved me a lot of premature gray hairs (maybe not at 16, but I digress). But, in any case, I'm very, very happy, and the tear has nearly healed. Ace's foot is a little stunted right now from having the stone bruise cut out, so he still bobs a bit on the rocks, but otherwise he's totally sound. Ace was moved to a stall with a run next to another horse who's injured, and they've become the best of friends. The vet said another couple of months and he'll be totally better and useable, as long as he keeps on with his Legend shots and eggbar shoes.

After four long months, there's finally an end in sight.

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